John Polacek

Chicago Web Developer

Engineering manager and frontend lead at Howl

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Techweek Chicago 2013

Originally published on 6/25/2013

Techweek Chicago was a great experience for me last year. For those who don’t know, it has become Chicago’s premier tech conference, where technology leaders and companies around the world gather to show their stuff. This year, it looks to be even better, with lots of great speakers and content. Pretty amazing actually. They have Kim Dotcom and Alex Winter (Bill from Bill and Ted!). Big tech names like Sal Khan (Khan Academy), PJ Hyett (Github Co-founder), Dean Kamen (freakin’ Dean Kamen!) and Matt Mullenweg (WordPress). They are bringing back some of my favorite speakers from last year, like Emerson Spartz, Jason Fried, Tyler Spalding and Brent Payne. And they seem to have turned up the dial on the party meter, which is always a good thing.

Another great thing is that my company, Draftfcb, is one of the sponsors and is sending a lot more people to the conference. We are even hosting a happy hour, so that will be lots of fun (although I’ll be missing the start of it for the Kim Dotcom talk maybe we can get him and Alex Winter to stop by!)

For me, the best thing of all this is that I’ve been given the opportunity to speak. My talk is Open Sourcing Your Code for Fame and Fortune. Aimed at developers, it is all about why doing open source can be a great thing, and how to get the most out of it. I have some cool stuff in store, so come on by if you can.